Thursday, June 03, 2010

Another German holiday means another day off work

So my work week this week will be a grand total of 3 days. Monday was Memorial Day and today was Fronleichnam (Corpus Christi), a Catholic holiday celebrating the body of Christ in the Eucharist. Not all German states take a day off for this religious observance, but luckily Hessen (Frankfurt's state) does. So last week was 4 days of work and this week is going to be 3, does that mean I only work 2 days next week?

Well, work is going well. I got travel orders yesterday, so now if they take me on any outreach trips for work then I can get per diem and be reimbursed and what not. I also got my badge on Tuesday, which means I no longer have to rely on the kindness of strangers to swipe me in to my hallway in the morning. I can move freely about the building.

I am dog-sitting again and yesterday Fenway(the dog) and I explored a really neat park across the road from the American ghetto. I found a Greek Orthodox Church, a Hundenwiese (literally "dog meadow" but obviously translates to dog park), and the site of a former palace-type house built by the Rothschilds, which was called Grueneburg. It, however, was taken over during the Nazi-period and then destroyed by bombs during WWII so there isn't anything left except the plaque that tells you what used to be there, along with a mysterious black column. But given the vast size of the park area, you can imagine it must have been a pretty amazing house and place to live. Today Fenway and I went back to the park and I took my camera so that I could get some good pictures. Weather was gorgeous today, so I think we've gotten through the cold, rainy stretch and should be moving into a warm, sunny summer. Since it was a holiday and beautiful weather, there were a ton of people at the park (some not fully clothed -- sadly, to be expected on a warm day in Europe).

Not a lot else to report, except that I intend to upload pictures on to my computer this weekend and post some on the blog/facebook. To get your imaginations going I will leave you with these two keywords: bunnies and asparagus.

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